Young couple at dinner table analyzing documents to make a decision.

Your Guide to Health Insurance

Preparing for Open Enrollment

Mom and daughter play with blocks on the floor.

There's no doubt that health insurance provides peace of mind. But what's it worth if you don't know what's in your plan?

CBS News reports that bad health care decisions can cost people $750 every year. Let us help you reduce your costs and make informed health care decisions by providing a guided worksheet so you can better prepare, understand your plan and determine your health care needs for the upcoming year.  

Download Worksheet

In 4 easy steps, you can compare different plans, find which doctors and pharmacies are in network and calculate your overall maximum spend.

1. Prepare

Round up a few key pieces of info to make filling out the rest of the worksheet a breeze.

2. Find a Doctor

Choose an in-network doctor and hospital, so you can save the most on health care.
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3. Find a Pharmacy

Find an in-network pharmacy and price medications to know what you are spending.

4. Assess Spending

Calculate out-of-pocket costs to compare plans and decide which plan is right for you.

Find a Doctor

Finding a doctor in your network can help you save money on your health care.

Find a Doctor

Store icon

Find a Pharmacy Tool

Using our find a pharmacy tool, you can search medication prices to get the lowest cost.

Find a Pharmacy

Prescription Coverage

Know your plan's prescription drug list (PDL) to ensure your medications are covered.

View PDL

Access Your Online Account

Get the best health care experience by having your plan in your back pocket.

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