Employer Toolkits
Engage and motivate your employees to understand, utilize and manage their health benefits. The education toolkits include materials you can share with your employees about programs and services offered through your health plan. By sharing the materials, you are helping to educate your employees about their benefits, so they can get the most out of their health care coverage.
These toolkits have been developed to provide preapproved marketing materials for all Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) products.
You may download the full marketing toolkits by program/service below, or you can choose to download the individual items within the toolkits. Please do not alter any items in the toolkits.
Communication assets that will help encourage qualifying employees to participate in a diabetes program.
Member Flier - $0 cost insulin
$0 cost insulin flier includes a list of the covered insulin. This flier can be posted to intranets sites and distributed to members.
These marketing assets are for both Virta and BCBSNE’s diabetes management solutions:
Download Full Toolkit
Download the full toolkit here.
Member Flier with Virta
This flier can be posted to intranet sites and distributed to members. This version is for groups that currently cover Virta type 2 reversal and BCBSNE’s diabetes management programs.
Member Flier with Virta - Spanish
This flier can be posted to intranet sites and distributed to members. This version is for groups that currently cover Virta type 2 reversal and BCBSNE’s diabetes management programs.
Member Email with Virta
This email can be distributed to members. This version is for groups that currently cover Virta type 2 reversal.
Diabetes Management Video
This video helps gives an overview of our diabetes solutions including Virta, Nurse-supported programs and $0 cost insulin.
The content below can be used by groups that do not offer Virta:
Download Full Toolkit
Download the full toolkit here.
Member Flier
This flier can be posted to intranet sites and distributed to members.
Member Flier - Spanish
This flier can be posted to intranet sites and distributed to members.
Member Email
This email can be distributed to members.
Benefits 101
This video gives an overview of health coverage basics, defines terms like premium, deductible and co-pay, and offers a starting point for members to understand their health insurance benefits with BCBSNE.
myNebraskaBlue member portal
This video introduces the myNebraskaBlue member portal, which allows users to access their BCBSNE coverage information online. It covers how to register for an account, navigate the homepage, view ID cards, deductibles and claims.
Doctor and Hospital Finder
This video demonstrates how to use the Doctor and Hospital Finder tool to locate in-network providers. Learn how to search for doctors and hospitals by name, specialty, or type of facility, as well as how to find your network name and location.
Preventive care
Routine preventive care is an important step to staying healthy and is generally covered at 100% by most of our health plans. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska encourages members to take advantage of their preventive care benefits.
To help our members get the right care at the right time in the right place, and to help keep costs low, certain health services require a Preauthorization . By visiting an in-network provider, you can avoid unexpected medical bills.
Care Management
The Care Management program at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska provides members with access to nurse care managers who can answer questions, offer guidance, and coordinate care through the Wellframe app. The program is one way Blue Cross cares for members.
Mental Health
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska cares about your mental health. All plans include access to support and resources that work best for you.
Questions or ready to get started? Contact Over 65 Individual Sales Manager Adam Welch at Adam.Welch@NebraskaBlue.com.
Download Full Toolkit
Download the full toolkit here.
Medicare Flier
Use this flier to be prepared to help your employees who may have questions about Medicare coverage.
Medicare Seminar Email
This email can be distributed to members to encourage them to learn more about their Medicare options and register for a free informational Medicare session.
Medicare Options Email
This email can be distributed to members who need to transition to individual Medicare coverage. It encourages them to learn more their Medicare options.
Download Full Toolkit
Download the full toolkit here.
Member Flier
This flier can be used digitally (posted to intranet sites, attached in an email, etc.) or printed to help encourage members to visit the website to get the help they need.
Member Email
Email is an efficient media to connect employees with the mental health website – just one click/tap and they can get the help they need.
Member Poster
The poster can be hung in high-traffic areas of your office to provide employees with mental health resources.
Monitor Slide
The monitor slide can be uploaded to monitors/screens throughout your locations to help those employees that work in a warehouse or manufacturing environment where the do not have access to computers.
Download Full Toolkit
Download the full toolkit here.
Member Flier
This flier can be used digitally (posted to intranet sites, attached in an email, etc) or printed to help encourage members to create their online member account and use the tools and resources it provides.
Member Flier (without pharmacy)
This flier can be used digitally (posted to intranet sites, attached in an email, etc) or printed to help encourage members to create their online member account and use the tools and resources it provides.
Member Email
Email is an efficient media to connect employees with myNebraskaBlue.com – just one click/tap and they can get started with their online account.
Member Email (without pharmacy)
Email is an efficient media to connect employees with myNebraskaBlue.com – just one click/tap and they can get started with their online account.
Marketing materials that will help employees use telehealth services through Amwell©.
Amwell© is an independent company that provides telehealth services for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Download Full Toolkit
Download the full toolkit here.
Member Flier
This flier can be used digitally (posted to intranet sites, attached in an email, etc.) or printed to help encourage members to use telehealth services through Amwell.
Member Flier – Spanish
This flier can be used digitally (posted to intranet sites, attached in an email, etc.) or printed to help encourage members to use telehealth services through Amwell.
Member Email
Email is an efficient media to connect employees to telehealth services by Amwell – just one click/tap and they can video chat with a doctor in less than 10 minutes.